Recently, while working on the Beijer X2 Extreme display, i found a cool way in code to provide a remote interface via HTML5 through the devices web server. So first off, it got me thinking. Why do i pay 55$ a month for Teamviewer if i can write code to do the same thing... Then a shiny light bulb popped up over my head and i decided -- my next endeavor is to create an affordable competitor to Teamviewer. Not everyone can afford 55 bucks a month, and it has definitely put a hole in my pocket for the last decade.
Just calculating the server environment, we will still need to charge a little just to not go underwater due to our rented server farm.
By my estimate, we can charge 10 bucks a month per premium user, with each user being unlimited connections. Also, just because we aren't very well known, we may be able to offer the first 200 signups, a perpetual/for the life of the product, a free premium license.
Details coming soon.